Support and Resistance do not have to be horizontal lines, and often in a market that is moving higher or lower, trend lines effectively connect the high points or the low points to create a price channel that acts similarly to a horizontal range. Support and resistance levels function in the same manner in a trending market as in a rangebound one. However the line that is following the trend--support in an uptrend or resistance in a downtrend) should be considered by far the stronger of the two. Only when there is a trade with minimal risk involved should you enter a position based only on the resistance line above the price in an uptrend.

The same trend lines can be drawn in a bear market where the price is continuously moving lower.

There is no exact formula for drawing such lines. Some traders prefer to connect only the bodies of the candles and to exclude the high and low points outside of the open and close, but that is not a requirement. If the line does not look valid to you, chances are it is not relevant, because other traders are using the same charts.